Best books on mindset, productivity, entrepreneurship & life design
Bottom line on how to dig deeper and commit.
Change your mind, change your life.
Atomic Habits
Prioritize systems over goals.
48 Laws of Power
Build timeless perspective on human psyche.
Deep Work
Focus is a superpower - maximize it.
The Psychology of Money
Principles of finance linked to human emotions.
The Obstacle is The Way
Attack your dragons head on.
Daring Greatly
Courage to be authentic.
12 Rules for Life
Wisdom to structure life with.
Build perspective and seek the virtuous path.
The One Thing
Laser in on one thing and build momentum.
Start with Why
How to inspire and align others.
Man's Search for Meaning
Stoic perspective on navigating adversity.
How To Win Friends & Influence People
How to connect deeply and meaningfully with others.
7 Habits of Highly Effective People
How to manage yourself, lead others and tap into your potential.
Hidden Potential
How anyone can reach their potential using a three-part framework entailing character skills, sustaining long term motivation and designing opportunity systems.
Solid insights into optimizing health and life span.
Getting Things Done
A system approach to organizing tasks and gain more clarity and confidence while reducing stress.
Be your authentic self and the world will align in your favor.
As a Man Thinketh
How one's thoughts shape our world.
The Second Mountain
Four commitments to live a meaningful life - to loved ones, to a vocation, to a philosophy/faith, and to a community.
Zero to One
How to think big, different and approach entrepreneurship from a non-competitive standpoint.
The $100 Startup
How to combine passion with real skills to start your journey as an entrepreneur.
Non-traditional and direct advice on how to do something that is both inspirational and productive.